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Is Your Ecommerce Store Stuck in

Social Media Purgatory?

We Can Be Your Exorcists

(of Bad Ads, That Is)

Tired of throwing ad money into the Facebook abyss?

We help online stores like yours rise from the dead

(metaphorically... mostly).

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is the Best ROI

From Crickets to Ca-ching :

Our Facebook Ads Services.


We craft scroll-stopping Facebook ads

that'll have your target audience saying,

"Wait, is this ad actually funny?" before realizing they desperately need your product.

Target Like a Ninja

We don't just throw spaghetti at the wall; we laser-focus your ads on the people most likely to become raving fans (and spend their money).

Ad Creation

That Doesn't Suck

We don't just throw spaghetti at the wall;

we laser-focus your ads on the people most likely to become raving fans (and spend their money).

Results You Can Track

(and Laugh About)

We don't just talk the talk; we walk the walk (and show you the data to prove it).

See your sales climb higher than your uncle's bad jokes at Thanksgiving dinner.

Story Time

Once upon a time, there was a small

e-commerce store selling the most amazing handcrafted catnip toys. But alas, their social media presence was a ghost town.

That's where we came in, armed with witty ad copy and purrfectly targeted campaigns.

Within weeks, their sales went from

meow-serable to meow-gical!

Who We Are (Spoiler Alert: We're Awesome)

Let's be honest, "About Us" sounds stuffy. We're more like "About Us, But Way More Entertaining."

We're a ragtag bunch of data wizards who can talk numbers like Shakespeare talked sonnets (except with less flowery language... and tights).

We also have a resident marketing guru who could sell ice to penguins (although, ethically questionable).

But the real secret weapon? Our team of comedy enthusiasts. We believe funny ads are the best kind of ads, even if it means our office sometimes sounds like a stand-up routine gone wrong.

Ready to Make

Facebook Your BFF?

Don't let your brand become another ghost story scrolling aimlessly through the newsfeed.

Contact us today for a free consultation! We'll banish those social media spooks and have your sales soaring higher than a witch on a sugar crash. (Seriously, free consultation, what are you waiting for? We promise we don't take payment in blood sacrifices... usually.)

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Simple Facebook Icon
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Simple Instagram Icon
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